Where do your items ship from?

We ship from our warehouse located in Las Vegas within 24-72 hours, Monday through Friday. 

Do you offer free shipping?

Yes, we offer free shipping on all orders in the contiguous USA!

Do you offer returns?

Yes, please see our return section!

Are your trees pre-lit? 

Yes! Every tree comes with lights that have already been wrapped around the tree. The lights must be plugged in to an outlet at this time!

How big are your trees? 

Most of our trees are approximately 3ft tall including the stand. 

Is this a good gift for Kids? 

Yes! Many of our customers purchase these for kids. It's a great activity, and many kids enjoy having their own tree in addition to the large family tree!

Is this a good gift for the elderly? 

Yes! We were pleasantly surprised to see so many customers purchasing for parents and grandparents who would otherwise not get a tree.

You can even ship these directly to old age homes and our provided instructions make it so easy for anyone to decorate it exactly like our photos! 

Are your trees reusable? 

Yes! When you are done enjoying your tree, you can simply place the ornaments back into in their respective bags, and place the tree back into the box so you can enjoy next year... or for another holiday!